

Reading this article, I recognised myself. 

It reminds me of me now, and it reminds me of me back in my early art school days.

Back at art school, 1979, my personal tutor used to say that when working on a project, I would appear to be doing nothing whatsoever for 3 weeks, then in the last 5 to 7 days, magic would happen. The rest and incubation of the 3 weeks was an essential aspect of the creative process, just as winter precedes spring. 

So it is now.

It also brought about a conversation with myself, earlier today.

Here it is:

What's the deep work?
The poems.
Living life so it can write poems with me.
Publishing the poems.
Where do photos come in?
They're poems too.
Publish them.
Sharing the truth of life as it is with others. Living lightly, spontaneously and intuitively. 

When we stop to reflect, and contemplate the truth of who we are, and what life guides us to do, we hear it. We may need to be bold, in order to step away from that which doesn't serve the truth of who we are. 

In my case, this means dropping the work I have been doing this past year in the business world. 

Yesterday, I left this work, with immediate effect. Here is how I broke the news (edited to remove details):

I’ve seriously reflected on all of this, and I am pulling out of all work in the business world.
I am withdrawing from all of this type of work, including coaching and mentoring via Skype. No business retreats either. 
From today, I am only available as a mentor, meditation coach and retreat guide, in person, to private individuals and groups, not business / corporate.
I trust this move, and know in my heart that it fully supports the creation of a space around the work I am here to do. 
If you should wish to pursue further mentoring with me, it will have to be in person, here in Portugal, or Mallorca or the UK, which may be my next movements, later this year. I’ll be sharing full details via my website, as things unfold. 
This work, along with the poetry, and some publication of that, is enough, along with whatever else shows up.
It seems I am here to work in an intuitive and spontaneous way only, to share the truth of who we are with those who can swallow it, and to offer healing and supportive meditation work to the minds of those who aren’t ready yet. 
Whilst there are many beings in the business world who would benefit from this, the environment is inappropriate, and this is now clear to me. 

That's my current truth, right now, at a worldly level. The ultimate truth is another journal post entirely.

Tomorrow, the truth at a phenomenal, worldly level, could be entirely different. The ultimate truth will remain the same.

What's your truth? 

Reflecting on it right now, what is it?

…and how does it relate to the ultimate truth of who you are?