
You are never lost

You are never lost.

For the lost, the peace seekers, those who have burnt out and those who have given up.

Find your way out of the forest, you are the answer to your own question. My work is to simply support you in that finding.

I don't advocate spiritual practice. Nor do I discourage it.

Today you may find me in the garden, in Zen style working meditation. Tomorrow, you may find me in a Roman Catholic mass, celebrating my Mother's recently passed life, another time you may find me sitting in qigong meditation. Simply gardening, quietly praying, just sitting. Listening, speaking, in silence.

Where you are right now, is exactly where you ought to be. Where else are you going to find yourself than here now?

When the sky is darkest, dawn is close.

Let everything be as it is.


If you need help with life, reach out, I offer one to one life coaching, guided meditations and supported solitary retreats, at home and away, to support your self-discovery.