Offering nothing, the empty sky — A N D Ō

Offering nothing, the empty sky

fresh water
springing from the rocks
a solitary bird

offering nothing
the empty sky

— Kashyapi

Haiku #138 & Renku #004

Two beautiful poems this week: the haiku of the week was written by Hasho, a Japanese poet who lived in the 20th century, while the 4th assignment in the Renku challenge is a poem by Kashyapi, an amazingly talented writer, already author of the 118th Haiku challenge.

A Zen person who spent many years living as a lay forest monk and in deep retreat from the world, Kashyapi writes about silence, the research of inner peace and human relationship with nature.

Haiku#138 / 31st August
Renku#004 / 7th September [listen]

To find out how to participate in the Haiku & Renku music challenges, visit Naviar Records.